The Committee of Pedagogical Sciences operates at Division I of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The Committee continues the traditions and draws inspiration from the activities of the Committees of Pedagogical Sciences of previous terms. The Committee of Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences is an advisory and consultative body, representing the national scientific community within the scope of its substantive competence. As a representative body of scientists it undertakes activities for the benefit of pedagogical sciences, the scientific and educational environment. The Committee of Pedagogical Sciences (KNP) is a self-governing representation of scholars representing the discipline of pedagogy that serves to integrate academics from all over the country around the most important problems and tasks of Polish pedagogy.

The Committee was established in 1953. The KNP is composed of professors of pedagogy elected every four years by secret ballot by independent academics and members of the Academy. A person of particular merit for the development of pedagogical sciences and the establishment of the Committee of Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the first Chairman of the Committee was prof. Bogdan Suchodolski, (in the years 1953-1973). The successive chairpersons of the Committee of Pedagogical Sciences were: Professor Wincenty Okoń (1973-1984), Professor Heliodor Muszyński, 1984-1993), Professor Tadeusz Lewowicki (1993-2007) , Professor Stefan M. Kwiatkowski (2007-2010), Professor Bogusław Śliwerski (2011-2019) . The current chair is Professor Agnieszka Cybal-Michalska.

Since the establishment of the Committee of Pedagogical Sciences, its tasks have focused on: analysing and evaluating the development of pedagogical sciences, considering important problems of pedagogy, organising scientific sessions and conferences and disseminating the results of scientific research, initiating and developing cooperation with foreign organisations and scientific centres, carrying out assessments of the condition and needs of pedagogical sciences and scientific institutions, on their own initiative or at the request of bodies supervising these institutions, preparing scientific expert opinions, diagnosing the condition of education, educating academic and educational staff in the pedagogical field, evaluating reformatory actions in the national education system, elaborating new concepts and proposals for model solutions concerning education, educating and upgrading academic staff in the pedagogical field and educating teachers.

The Committee of Pedagogical Sciences is proud to have supported the development of early career scientists, young researchers and their achievements promoting scientific development and achievements of young researchers. The Committee has been organising Summer Schools for Young Pedagogues since 1979 (since 2019 they have been named after Professor Maria Dudzikowa). Another important activity of the Committee is the organisation of seminars and scientific conferences. The members of the Committee prepare opinions and expertise for ministries, e.g. the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage as well as for the authorities of universities and academic entities which educate pedagogues and teachers. The Committee produces series of book publications (“Pedagogy in Science and Practice”; “School Culture” and “Urgent Problems of Education and Pedagogy”). KNP PAN is also a patron of academic periodicals ("Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji", "Studia z Teorii Wychowania", "Resocjalizacja Polska", "Biuletyn Historii Wychowania", "Przegląd Pedagogiczny", "Paedagogia Christiana", "Chowanna", "Forum Pedagogiczne", "Horyzonty Wychowania").

The Committee of Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences sets ambitious tasks in its work plan in every term of office, the aim of which is - in the most general sense -to integrate the scientific community of pedagogues and to maintain the awareness of social importance of pedagogy as a science and social responsibility of pedagogues.